Sector Specific Share Prices 18/03/13

This weeks share price table for your viewing pleasure. I have corrected mistakes in Support Services from last week – sorry about that.

House builders and Industrial Suppliers are looking good this week with strong increases so far this year. Very interesting to see how different Heavy Construction and Support Services companies are coping given the continuation of tough market conditions. We may take a closer look at May Gurney next week.

If you would like any companies added please let me know by leaving a comment. Feedback is also very welcome.

CE Prices 150313

Sector Specific Share Prices

As promised my table of construction and related company share prices…..

CE Prices 080313(click to enlarge)

In future I will upload an updated version each Friday afternoon and normally some specific company analysis mid-week.

If you would like any companies adding to the list please let me know in the comments section below.

Also, if you would like me to email you a copy of my full spreadsheet (which has lots more functionality than just this output table)  just let me know via the comments section.